Discover Christ-Like Mentorship

While Jesus only spent three years of his life engaged in public ministry, he produced an enduring model of spiritual mentorship that continues to produce powerful and dynamic servant leaders over two thousand years later. Shore Mentoring Ministries follows this Biblical model, focusing on transferring knowledge and experience through relationships. This relational model of discipleship allows for honest vulnerability in safe spaces with a focus on life course correction and not condemnation. Moreover, these connections and foundations create networks of accountability and support that persist through life and ministry growth, facilitating each individuals ability to attain their truest potential.

Woman to Woman Mentors

Within every sphere of life, women face unique challenges, obligations, and aspirations. Navigating through these seemingly overwhelming challenges requires a unique perspective and networks of support built upon common experiences in order to achieve true success. Woman to woman mentoring provides the support and guidance women need to over these challenges and build communities of support that empower each woman to succeed in every area of their life.

Marriage Mentors

Marriage mentors provides Christian premarital and marital mentorship that facilitates a guided exploration of each individuals history and encourages the expansion of the couples faith as they walk together towards Jesus Christ. During this journey, the couple will examine their individual convictions, expectations of themselves and their partner, and the relational responsibilities they attach to each role as these expectations shape and impact their marital relationship. In this way, Marriage Mentors facilitate the couples ability to establish a marriage that is built on biblical principles and honors God.

Ministry Mentors

Connect with seasoned Ministry Mentors who will walk along side you as you identify and learn to navigate your ministry gifts and engage in your personal-ministry journey. These mentors will assist you in creating ministry goals or milestones as you set your ministry trajectory. They will also provide guidance and accountability as you move towards reaching each milestone. Your mentor will work with your unique ministry call and life circumstances to empower you to grow in ministry and address the unique challenges you will face as you live out your purpose. As a result, your mentorship experience will propel you to become a more effective and intentional minister, while equipping you to avoid burnout and common ministry pitfalls along your journey.

Discipleship Mentors

Strengthen your personal Christian walk with the support of our Discipleship Mentors. This mentorship experience will inspire you to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ and equip you to do the same for others as you continue your journey. Disciple Mentorship develops disciples using a replicable person-to-person approach which facilitates spiritual growth throughout each life stage. As a result, each disciple will learn to intentionally develop Christ-like character and deepen their Biblical knowledge and understanding as they walk alongside their mentor through times of prayer and focused time together in GOD's Word.